Juma are a Belfast based musical experience featuring Jude Mcvitty and Martin Mcvitty as part of a five piece band.  We have been making music together for just over a year and are currently promoting our debut album Seven Songs



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Marty has been a disciple of the wailing electric guitar and his lifelong obsession with nailing the lick and vast experience as a band leader bring a flair to Jude's simple and honest lyrics and melodies.

Added to the mixture of folk, blues, gypsy jazz and classic rock, their unique instrumentation featuring bass, drum and trumpet create a sound that truly captivates.

Borrowing some soul from the stories and sounds of those with much harder lives, Juma strive to bring a little bit of beauty to a world kind enough to occasionally listen.


Thank you for visiting, please come again.  You never know when something might have changed that you haven't heard about.

Juma's debut album Seven Songs is out now.  Available at Dragon Records, Head Records and Bandcamp

To download Seven Songs from Bandcamp use the link below;
